International Publications

    Publication image
    May 2022 | 

    Einfachrundläuferpresse – Dritte Station macht Druck

    Language: German

    Verfahrenstechnik (Vereinigte Fachverlage GmbH, Mainz/Germany) 05/06-2022, pp. 40-41

    Case study about the use of Romaco Kilian's KTP 590X at Corden Pharma.

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    April 2022 | 
    Packaging Journal

    Volle Flexibilität beim Verpacken von Brausetabletten

    Language: German

    Packaging Journal (ella Verlag und Medien GmbH, Cologne/Germany) 04/05-2022, pp. 77-79

    Case study about the use of heat sealing machines, tube filling machines and a robotic transfer unit from Romaco Siebler as well as various cartoners from Romaco Promatic at Hermes Pharma GmbH.

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    November 2021 | 
    Corriere Economia Emilia Romana

    Romaco: la passione che trasforma ogni cosa

    Language: Italian

    Corriere Economia Emilia Romana (SpeeD, Padua/Italy) November 2021

    Article about the Romaco site in Bologna.

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    November 2021 | 

    ROMACO PRESENTA UNA LÍNEA de blísteres Unity 300 con un diseño sostenible que reduce costes

    Language: Spanish

    Envasprés (Ediciones Industria Gráfica SCP, Barcelona/Spain) November/December 2021, p. 26-28

    Article about the sustainable blister line Unity 300 from Romaco Noack.

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    November 2021 | 
    P&C Review

    Standardisation of multi-vial vaccine line speeds up delivery times

    Language: English

    P&C Review (New Media, Cape Town/South Africa) November/December 2021, p. 38

    Article about the P 91 multi-vial vaccine line from Romaco Promatic.

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    December 2020 | 
    PharmatechEXPO Journal

    Машина для микродозировки Micro Robot 50 от Romaco Macofar

    Language: Russian

    PharmatechEXPO Journal (LMT Group of Companies, Kyiv/Ukrain) Nr. 3-4 (2020), pp. 18-19

    Article about the MicroRobot 50 microdosing machine from Romaco Macofar, the innovative high-tech solution for filling cytostatic powders into vials.

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    November 2020 | 
    Canadian Packaging

    Primary Advantages

    Language: English

    Canadian Packaging (Annex Business Media, Toronto/Canada) November 2020

    Article about the sustainable Push Packs from Romaco Siebler and Huhtamaki.

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    November 2020 | 
    Markgräfler Tagblatt

    "Tragende Säulen des Biosystems"

    Language: German

    Markgräfler Tagblatt (Oberbadisches Verlagshaus Georg Jaumann GmbH & Co.KG, Lörrach/Germany) Nr. 254, 02. November 2020

    Article about Romaco Innojet's cooperation with beefuture GmbH and their nature conservation project: the settlement of a colony of bees on the Romaco premises in Steinen.
